Perhatian: Useless Eater - Divaksinasi Dan Mati (ATTN: Useless Eaters, Get Vaccinated and Die) Oleh: ARTHUR EVANGELISTA dari: (Editor's Note:Population control is the only reason why vaccines and vaccinations are so heavily promoted by the government-media cartel. The primary targets are the very young and very old. They are the useless eaters because of their reduced or neglgible "productivity." This is trhe truth behind the vaccines coverup by Arthur Evangelista former FDA investigatore Truth Behind) Dear fellow American citizens and professional colleagues: We must get vaccines removed from the marketplace, and prevent our corrupted government from forcing these poisons down our "throats". Engage in active resistance to exercise civil disobedience. DO NOT ALLOW VACCINES TO BE ADMINISTERED TO THOSE YOU LOVE. Even if threatened with fines, or jail....the buck must stop here. We will be vindicated. The government isn't listening as it should, which tells us that this is no longer a government for, or of, the American people. It is, and has been for a while, a government of corruption and tyranny Sorry, no other way to put it. ONLY AN ENEMY WOULD FORCE YOU TO BE VACCINATED AGAINST YOUR WILL, USING POISONS. ONLY AN INSANE MONSTER WOULD CHANCE HURTING OUR CHILDREN. A government for the people my eye !!! WE MUST STOP THIS INSANITY by every means necessary, to prevent continued maiming and deaths related to ALL VACCINES. Remember, mercury, aluminum, formalin (formaldehyde), and other artificial or recombinant modified products contained in vaccines, are ALL dangerous to the human system. This is unnatural, and against all humanity. VACCINES BY THEIR VERY NATURE, WITH OR WITHOUT MERCURY, ARE INHERENTLY INEFFECTIVE AND IMPLICITLY DANGEROUS. RESIST THIS GOVERNMENT-INDUSTRIAL PLAN TO VACCINATE. THIS IS SIMPLY SOCIO/PSYCHO-PATHIC CONTROL AND GREED BY OUR GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS DRIVEN BY THE PHARMACEUTICAL CASHFLOW AND REVOLVING GOVERNMENT DOORS. GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION KILLS * Arthur Evangelista Former FDA Investigator
Public Health and Medical Fraud Research Cooperative North Carolina Unit A group of professional, volunteer researchers dedicated to accurate public health education and exposing corporate and regulatory malfeasance or corruption, which adversely affects the public health. * The Truth Behind the Vaccine Coverup Dr. Mercola's Comment: I find it almost incomprehensible that thimerosal, the well-documented, toxic mercury-containing preservative, is still in many vaccines, years after federal agencies have mandated that it be removed from vaccines. Most people, physicians included, don't understand thimerosal is still used in most vaccines and is likely one of the major contributing factors to vaccine toxicity. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Injecting it into a child, whose nervous system is rapidly developing, could have terrible consequences. So, before you decide to vaccinate your children, do them a favor and look into the many risks and side effects associated with common childhood vaccines. Doing so could mean the difference between life and death. When my *The Devastating Effects Of Mercury For example, mercury, even in low concentrations, is known to impair energy production by mitochondrial enzymes. The brain has one of the highest metabolic rates of any organ and impairment of its energy supply, especially during development, can have devastating consequences. In addition, mercury, even in lower concentrations, is known to damage DNA and impair DNA repair enzymes, which again, plays a vital role in brain development. Mercury is known to impair neurotubule stability, even in very low concentrations. Neurotubules are absolutely essential to normal brain cell function. Mercury activates microglial cells, which increases excitotoxicity and brain free radical production as well as lipid peroxidation, central mechanisms in brain injury. In addition, even in doses below that which can cause obvious cell injury, mercury impairs the glutamate transport system, which in turn triggers excitotoxicity, a central mechanism in autism and other neurological disorders. Ironically, aluminum also paralyzes this system. On page 228, we see another admission that the government has had no interest in demonstrating the safety of thimerosal-containing vaccines despite more than 2,000 articles showing harmful effects of mercury. Here we see a reference to the fact that the FDA "has a wonderful facility in Arkansas with hundreds of thousands of animals" available for any study needed to supply these answers on safety. The big question to be asked: Why has the government ignored the need for research to answer these questions concerning thimerosal safety? You will recall, in the beginning, the participants of this conference complained that there were just so few studies or no studies concerning this "problem." * Junk Scientists Again, on page 229, Dr. Brent rails about the lawsuit problem. He tells the others he has been involved in three lawsuits related to vaccine injuries leading to birth defects and concluded, "If you want to see junk science, look at those cases ... ." He then complains about the type of scientists testifying in these cases. He adds, "But the fact is those scientists are out there in the United States." In essence, he labels anyone who opposes the "official policy" on vaccines as a junk scientist. We have seen previously in the discussion just who the "junk scientists" really are. Knowing what they have found can cause them a great deal of problems he adds, "The medical/legal findings in this study, causal or not, are horrendous. If an allegation was made that a child's neurobehavioral findings were caused by thimerosal-containing vaccines, you could readily find a junk scientist who will support the claim with 'a reasonable degree of certainty'." On page 229, Dr. Brent then admits they are in a bad position because they have no data for their defense. Now, who really are the junk scientists? Are "real scientists" ones who have no data, just wishful thinking and a "feeling" that everything will be all right? Are "real scientists" the ones who omit recognized experts on the problem in question during a conference because it might endanger the "program"? Or are they the ones who make statements that they don't want their grandsons to get thimerosal-containing vaccines until the problem is worked out, but then tell millions of parents that the vaccines are perfectly safe for their children and grandchildren? Dr. Meyers, on page 231, put it this way: "My own concern, and a couple of you said it, there is an association between vaccines and outcomes that worries both parents and pediatricians." He cites other possible connections to vaccine-related neurobehavioral and neurodevelopmental problems including the number of vaccines being given, the types of antigens being used and other vaccine additives. Dr. Caserta tells the group he attended the aluminum conference the previous years and learned that often metals could act differently in biological systems than as an ion. This is interesting in the face of the finding that fluoride when combined to aluminum forms a compound that can destroy numerous hippocampal neurons at a concentration of 0.5 ppm in drinking water. It seems that aluminum readily combines with fluoride to form this toxic compound. With more than 60 percent of communities having fluoridated, drinking water, this becomes a major concern. It has also been learned that fluroaluminum compounds mimic the phosphate compound and can activate G-proteins. G-proteins play a major role in numerous biological systems, including endocrine, neurotransmitters and as cellular second messengers. Some of the glutamate receptors are operated by a G-protein mechanism. * Can You Keep a Secret? Over the next 10-15 pages, they discuss how to control this information so that it will not get out and, if it does, how to control the damage. On page 248, Dr. Clements has this to say: "But there is now the point at which the research results have to be handled, and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work has been done and through the freedom of information that will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group. And I am very concerned about that as I suspect that it is already too late to do anything regardless of any professional body and what they say." In other words, he wants this information kept not only from the public but also from other scientists and pediatricians until they can be properly counseled. In the next statement, Dr. Clements spills the beans as to why he is determined that no outsider get hold of this damaging information. "My mandate as I sit here in this group is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 are immunized with DTP, Hepatitis B and if possible Hib, this year, next year and for many years to come, and that will have to be with thimerosal-containing vaccines unless a miracle occurs and an alternative is found quickly and is tried and found to be safe." This is one of the most shocking statements I have ever heard. In essence, he is saying, "I don't care if the vaccines are found to be harmful and destroying the development of children's brains, these vaccines will be given now and forever." His only concern by his own admission is to protect the vaccine program even if it is not safe. Dr. Brent refers to this as an "eloquent statement." Original source:
Perhatian: Useless Eater - Divaksinasi Dan Mati
Rabu, 30 Maret 2011
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