Apakah New York Mendalangi Tsunami Asia?
oleh: Joe Vialls |
5 January 2005, |
Updated 4 February 2005 |
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Afghanistan dan Iraq sudah binasa, para bankir Wall Street semuanya putus asa mencari-cari cara untuk mengendalikan dunia kita ini, secara tiba-tiba dengan mudahnya Parit Sumatra meledak. Trick or Treat? |
"Bahkan yang lainnya terlibat menyerang dalam bentuk eco-type of terrorism, mereka dapat merubah iklim, membuat gempa bumi atau meledakkan gunung berapi dari jarak jauh, dengan menggunakan senjata gelombang elektomagnetik" |
Menteri Pertahanan Amerika, William S. Cohen, April 1997 |
Big surprise! Kemungkinan Cohen sudah mengetahui terlebih dahulu bahwa sebuah senjata nuklir dapat mendorong terjadinya apa yang dia sebutnya sebagai "gelombang elektromagnetik". |
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USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72 | Real Blast Epicenter in Sumatran Trench | Mosque near Ground Zero, Aceh |
Walaupun kecenderungan alami manusia dikejutkan kedalam kesunyian karena banyaknya orang yang mati dan luka-luka di Asia pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004, meskipun juga sedikit merasa takut karena kehilangan kepercayaan pribadi karena besarnya tingkat kejahatan yang baru saja terjadi, terdapat banyak bukti-bukti kejanggalan yang dapat dibuktikan mengenai ceritera resmi Tsunami yang dibuat Amerika, sekarang harus dicatat walaupun secara sederhana, atau untuk selamanya akan hilang ditelan waktu. |
Adalah tidak diragukan lagi bahwa sebuah gelombang raksasa (Tsunami) telah menerjang sepanjang Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara serta kekuatannya masih cukup untuk meneruskan bergerak ke sepanjang Lautan India ke Afrika, membunuh dan melukai ratusan orang lainnya lagi. Jadi hanya sebuah pertanyaan yang harus kita ajukan,"apakah Tsunami ini terjadi secara alami atau bencana yang dibuat manusia?". Sebuah kejadian alam yang cukup mengerikan, akan tetapi jika Tsunami merupakan perbuatan tangan-tangan jahil manusia, maka kita tidak perlu bertanya lagi hanya menunjuk kepada satu-satunya penjahat perang terbesar dalam sejarah dunia. |
Untuk membuat semua ketidak beresan menjadi masuk akal, kita harus memulainya dari permulaan sekali, dan kemudian mengikuti arah kejadian-kejadiannya sebagaimana yang mereka ungkapkan, terutama sekali kejadian-kejadian disekitar daerah sekeliling pusat gempa bumi Tsunami yang sebenarnya, karena episenter yang disampaikan dengan tanpa belas kasihan oleh the New York Times dan CNN, sangat berbeda dari lokasi sebenarnya. |
Pada tengah hari waktu Asutralia Saya mencatat dengan sebenarnya yang terjadi mengenai magnitude dan posisi yang dicatat oleh Kantor Pencatatan Gempa Jakarta, Indonesia. Sebuah gempa bumi berukuran 6.4 skala Richter telah menghantam wilayah utara Indonesia, yaitu Pulau Sumatera. Kantor Pencatatan Gempa Jakarta dengan teliti mencatat pusat gempa bumi yang terjadi pada waktu itu yang lokasinya pada 155 mil di selatan barat daya Provinsi Aceh. |
Posisinya kira-kira berada 250 mil selatan pada posisi yang kemudian dipilih oleh the American NOAA, yang memetakan pusat gempa di barat laut Aceh, dan yang pada mulanya diklaim terbaca sebesar 8.0. Richter. Cilakanya, walaupun kekuatan gempa tersebut tidak cukup untuk menutupi kerusakan yang diakibatkan kejadian yang luar biasa, jadi NOAA secara terus-menerus memperbaharui membacanya menjadi 8.5, kemudian menjadi 8.9, dan akhirnya 9.0 - setidaknya untuk waktu itu. |
Jadi, kejanggalan pertama yang disuguhkan oleh pejabat-pejabat Amerika di NOAA, tiba-tiba ditemukan sesuatu yang baru yang 'fleksibel' titik tertinggi gempa bumi untuk kejadian tersebut, yang lebih besar daripada Jakarta, ketika kantor di Jakarta menentukan lokasi yang lebih dekat pada hampir point-blank range. Percayalah ketika Saya menceriterakan kepada Anda bahwa tidak ada sesuatu seperti 'fleksibel' yang baru 'titik tertinggi yang diklaim NOAA. Titik pertama tertinggi gempa bumi yang dicatat adalah hanya titik tertinggi yang sebenarnya, kecuali tentu saja Anda sendiri kemudian menambahkan menggambar beberapa titik tertinggi lainnya, untuk menyesuaikan dengan agenda yang diusahakan. Tentu saja hanya terdapat satu titik pusat gempa yang telah dicatat secara dengan benar oleh lusinan seismograph, baik di Indonesia maupun di India. |
Quite apart from the huge disparity in Richter values, the Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal earthquake 'preamble' was missing from their seismograph charts. All this means is that the normal steadily increasing number of transverse shear "S" waves that always precede an earthquake were missing, as were later aftershocks, which likewise always accompany a naturally occurring or Tesla standing-wave generated earthquake . There were 'warnings' of aftershocks from the NOAA , but none actually eventuated. |
Untuk menyederhanakan masalah bagi pembaca non-teknis, sebuah gempa bumi selalu dipicu oleh sebuah getaran frekuensi elektromagnetik berkisar antara 0.5 sampai 12 Hertz , tetapi bukan kejadian yang mendadak, karena getaran frekuensi harus tepat. Dengan demikian getaran yang sebenarnya mendekat, garis patah mulai bergetar seperti seutas tali yang tegang, kemudian mengirimkan peringatan kepada seismograph dalam bentuk peningkatan yang mantap berupa garis lintang gelombang yang menyapu. |
Jika semua yang Anda dapat adalah sebuah cluster dari "P" tekanan gelombang, kemudian Anda hampir pasti melihat ledakan di bawah tanah atau di bawah permukaan laut. Bahkan ini sebenarnya hanya merupakan sinyal yang banyak dari seismik yang didapat oleh Indonesia dan India, dan mereka memperhatikannya dengan rasa keingin tahuannya karena serupa dengan yang dihasilkan oleh ledakan besar senjata nuklir bawah tanah di Nevada beberapa tahun lalu. |
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Pemerintah India mengetahui sepei koalisi barunya dengan Russia, China dan Brazil. Pada tangnuhnya dengan baik bahwa itu bukan sebuah gempa bumi "normal". Pada tanggal 27 Desember, India menolak untuk bergabung dengan rencana eksklusif 'club of four' George Bush, yang akan secara efektif menarik kekuatan nuklir Asia ini keluar dargal 28 Desember Pemerintah India dengan sopannya memperingatkan militer Amerika untuk tetap tidak memasuki wilayah kedaulatannya, dan pada tanggal 29 Desember Editorial India Daily secara umum mempertanyakan sifat dasar kejadian tersebut: |
"Apakah ini sebuah pameran kekuatan oleh sebuah negara untuk memperlihatkan malapetaka apa yang biasa diciptakan di wilayah ini? |
"Dengan tingkat kerusakan yang ada dan sebagai fakta bahwa India merupakan kekuatan regional di Asia Tenggara, Angkatan Laut India bertanggungjawab untuk melakukan penyelidikan dan memberitahukan hasilnya ke seluruh dunia, apa yang telah mereka temukan ." |
Kita akan kembali nanti kepada gambaran tugas yang relatif sederhana yaitu berupa pengiriman sebuah senjata termonuklir berkekuatan multi-megaton ke dalam Parit laut Sumatra, kemudian meledakkannya dengan akibat-akibat yang mengagumkan, tetapi sekarang ini kita perlu untuk kembali ke tugas awal yaitu mengikuti jalan kejadian dan ketidakberesan yang tak dapat difahami. Pertama kita harus melakukan perjalanan ke selatan jauh ke gurun di pulau Australia yang sekarang ini dikuasai oleh seorang penjilat Wall Street dikenal sebagai Little Johnny Howard. Walau membuat kejengkelan yang amat kuat kepada "warganegara" Australia, Little Johnny Howard tidak pernah melangkah ke luar Australia kecuali dia menerima instruksi yang tegas dari seorang penjaganya di New York. Ingatlah kenyataan ini, karena benar-benar penting dalam kaitan dengan apa yang Australia lakukan berikutnya. |
Pada pagi hari tanggal 27 Desember, media Australia (yang dimiliki New York) memberitakan dengan sangat jelas bahwa negara yang paling buruk terkena Tsunami adalah Sri Lanka, sebuah negara pulau di ujung selatan India, seperti Australia, Sri Lanka juga negara anggota Persemakmuran Inggris. Karena itu, Tim Costello, kepala salah satu lembaga derma paling besar di Australia, segera membuat rencana untuk terbang ke wilayah yang terkena musibah dan mengkaji mengenai bantuan apa yang dibutuhkan. Tetapi pada pagi yang sama, Little Johnny menari mengikuti irama musik yang berbeda, yang berdasarkan kepada kepatuhannya, harus mengurangi sambungan telepon yang aman dari Wall Street. |
Dengan cara yang benar-benar tertutup, Little Johnny dengan diam-diam memberangkatkan dua buah RAAF Hercules pesawat pengangkut lengkap dengan suplainya ke Malaysia on "Stand By", dan memerintahkan dua buah pesawat lainnya diterbangkan ke Darwin di utara Australia. Tolong dicatat jika Little Johnny mempunyai perhatian terhadap kemanusiaan, keempat pesawat Hercules bisa saja diterbangkan secara langsung ke mitranya sesama anggota Commonwealth, Sri Lanka, dimana setiap orang Australia telah didiberitahu oleh media bahwa bantuan diperlukan. Tetapi tidak ada, tidak diperuntukkan untuk itu, dan Little Johnny menunggu dengan sabarnya perintah dari New York. |
Masa tunggu yang singkat, dan setelah sebuah jet pengintai terbang tinggi menetapkan bahwa landasan terbang bersih di Medan di Sumatra bagian timur, keempat Hercules Australia lengkap dengan pasukan, senjata dan lainnya, menyerbu Sumatra tepat di selatan provinsi Aceh yang hancur. Pada gilirannya, dengan 90% penduduknya terbunuh oleh Tsunami, Aceh barangkali suatu hari segera menjadi Guantanamo Bay Indonesia, dipenuhi oleh ratusan orang Australia dan Amerika yang diperlengkapi dengan senjata berat. Ingat secara hati-hati, meskipun pada waktu itu ke-empat Hercules ini mendarat di Medan, publik Australia biasa masih tidak mempunyai ide dimana Sumatra yang diserang Tsunami dengan sangat buruk itu. Hanya Little Johnny mengetahui, dan tentu kepada kepercayaannya crystal ball di New York. |
To hell with Sri Lanka, boss menginginkan sebuah dasar yang utama untuk kontrak rekonstruksi yang sangat besar di Asia, yang dirancang untuk menggantikan pencurian minyak dan rekonstruksi yang gagal di Irak, dan tetap membuat miskin Zion tua yang berjalan terhuyung-huyung di atas kaki New York untuk beberapa minggu atau bulan lagi. |
Pada akhirnya, apakah gerangan itu, berarti berapa banyak Goyim yang harus meninggal? Dan dalam daftar mereka telah membunuh lebih dari 100,000 orang-orang Muslim di Sumatra dengan sebuah gelombang pasang surut, yang merupakan sebagian pembayaran atas kekalahan mereka di Afghanistan dan Irak. |
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Tidak perlu dikatakan lagi ternyata Australia adalah termasuk kelompok awal yang mempersiapkan diri, yang segera bergabung dengan anehnya karena sudah mempersiapkan diri dengan baik dan diperlengkapi dengan peralatan Militer Amerika Serikat, meskipun diragukan bahwa setiap perwira dan personelnya yang terlibat benar-benar memahami apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Hanya sedikit dari mereka yang berpikir untuk mempertanyakan mengapa mereka melakukan latihan selama setahun penuh hanya untuk sebuah tugas "Misi Kemanusiaan", ketika semua menunjuk kepada Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat dan Korps Marinir yang sudah terbiasa membunuh banyak orang. Lihat sajalah ke Falujah, tengoklah Falujah. |
As if by magic, the Pentagon managed to have two battle groups ready to sail at an instant's notice from Hong Kong and Guam during the normally chaotic Christmas to New Year period. Crikey! Military discipline has come a hell of a long way since my day, when everyone including the ship's cat was sleeping it off at some highly questionably hostelry or another. Not these 10,000+ Americans though, who must have been standing rigidly to attention beside their hammocks day and night, tugging furiously at their forelocks whenever an officer of NCO came in sight. |
The next bit was superbly orchestrated, because it took place at sea, far away from the prying eyes of dock spies or imaginary KGB agents. But oops, first you have to know who was involved. Out of Hong Kong rushed team one, comprised of the nuclear-powered USS Abraham Lincoln and her escort vessels, while the far more interesting team two rushed out of Guam, led by the USS Bonhomme Richard , a marine amphibious assault carrier crammed to the gunwales with gun-toting wooden tops. And that is not all, believe me, because the Bonhomme Richard is in fact leading a veritable armada known as " Expeditionary Strike Group 5 ". |
Armada USS Bonhomme Richard disertai oleh: |
to be continued |
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To take care of the underwater side of things they are joined by the nuclear hunter-killer submarine USS Pasadena , while the U.S. Coast Guard's high-endurance cutter Munro is also tagging along, presumably to deal with Asian Customs and Excise. |
Now then, though ' Strike Group 5 ' may be toting enough nuclear weapons to destroy half of the known world, and the title is perhaps lacking when viewed from a strictly humanitarian perspective, engineer chief Staff Sgt. Julio C. Dominguez says otherwise: |
"The Marine Service Support Group has been preparing for a humanitarian mission of this type for about 12 months now, and is more prepared for an actual mission". |
Well, OK chief, but didn't you ask why you were being trained for a mysterious humanitarian mission a year before it actually happened, especially when your day job is normally shooting Muslims full of holes? |
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Meskipun terdapat sejumlah besar korban Tsunami di negara bagian Tamil Nadu, India merubah secara keseluruhan kapal penelitian INS Nirupak menjadi sebuah rumah sakit terapung berkapasitas 50-tempat tidur kurang dari 72 jam, kemudian mengirimkan kapal tak bersenjata itu untuk membantu orang Aceh di Indonesia yang putus asa. Dengan membandingan secara langsung, dimana Amerika mengirimkan kapal perang serta Marinir bersenjata. Padahal Angkatan laut Amerika Serikat mempunyai dua buah kapal rumah sakit berkapasitas 1000 tempat tidur, yaitu the 'Comfort' dan the 'Mercy', namun tidak satu pun dikirim untuk membantu korban di Aceh. Tapi pada kejadian September 2001 USNS Comfort dikirim ke New York untuk menolong 3,000 orang Amerika yang meninggal, kurangnya tindakan Amerika terhadap kejadian Tsunami di Aceh ini memberikan sinyal yang kuat bahwa tidak adanya perhatian apapun dari power brokers di New York, walaupun 150,000 orang meninggal (sebagian besar Muslim) di Kawasan Asia Tenggara dan setengah juta orang lainnya luka-luka. | ||
The really sneaky (inexplicable) bit came as both battle groups entered the Indian Ocean. The USS Abraham Lincoln looked about as innocent as a carrier with 70 attack planes can look, but was already carrying 2,000 marines instead of her normal complement of around 500. That is a huge amount of grunt firepower to put on the deserted streets of Banda Aceh , especially when Wall Street normally expects these marines to die quietly for Zion in Iraq . Now then, how did they know the extra marines would be needed before team one left Hong Kong , because the surplus 1,500 marines were certainly not just standing around on Kowloon dock waiting to hitch a ride. |
Then while the two battle groups (apparently) headed in two different directions across the deserted Indian Ocean, an even stranger event took place. Though Expeditionary Strike Group 5 ( Humanitarian ) was supposed to help the folks in Sri Lanka , the combat marines aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard transferred to amphibious transport dock vessel U.S.S. Duluth , which then split from ESG-5 and headed towards team one. So without the Indonesians really being aware of it, the (relatively) harmless and Bulky aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has been used to screen the arrival of at least 3,500 heavily-armed US Marines in tiny Aceh Province . |
That more or less brings us up to date on known military activity, though yesterday an Australian television cameraman did accidentally film some of these heavily-armed US Marines (who tried to shoo him away), searching a devastated Indonesian military base for any remaining weapons. Now call me old-fashioned, but if these guys and their bosses are straight, that particular job should be left to the Indonesian Army… |
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Secara teoritis, Pentagon 9 megaton W-53 hulu-ledak termonuklir (kiri atas), bisa dengan mudah dikemas dalam sebuah tempat kecil 'menyerupai' saturasi untuk menyelam (kanan atas), supaya terlindung dari tekanan 10,000 pound dari setiap inci persegi di dasar laut Sumatra Trench. Keseluruhan kemas yang dilapisi baja beratnya kurang dari lima ton, bisa diselipkan di buritan kapal penyuplai anjungan minyak, yang di Asia sendiri terdapat lebih dari 300 buah. Siapa yang akan memperhatikan? | ||
I will be circumspect as to exactly how a large American thermonuclear weapon managed to arrive at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench , though all of the seismic evidence and preparedness for the resulting mission indicates strongly that this is the case. After all, we are back to the age-old question of "who benefits?", and in this particular case, |
"Who is insane enough to kill more than 150,000 civilians just to hang on to power?' Based on their past performance in Iraq and other luckless countries, it would seem that the only realistic candidates are Wolfowitz and company , striving as always to create a " One World Government". |
Certainly no other nuclear powers including Russia and China stand to gain anything at all from such an outrageous mass murder, so, as always in the end, we come back to Sherlock Holmes via the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: |
"When you have ruled out the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the truth." |
For the Zionist Cabal , obtaining a thermonuclear weapon in America is no great trick, especially when we have the precedent of 100 small 'decommissioned' air-to-air atomic warheads being smuggled out the Pentagon 's (civilian) back door, to form the core of the Jewish State's current nuclear arsenal. Once a weapon system is out date and out of service, loyal uniformed US military personnel can no longer track it. |
Those who wish to understand how such a seemingly small weapon could rattle a 20,000 feet-deep oceanic trench, and then force a giant tsunami right across the Indian Ocean, would do well to look at the diagram of the famous ' Dambusters ' attacking the German dam below, most of which is self-explanatory. |
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The designer of the RAF's bouncing bomb (actually called " Highball ") was a scientist called Barnes Wallace , who had already gained a formidable reputation with his Wellington bomber , which he constructed geodetically, thus enabling it to absorb enormous punishment before actually being shot out of the sky. Many Wellington returned to base literally in tatters, while many luckless cousins like the Stirling and Halifax were all too often consigned to the murky deep of the North Sea. |
Wallace knew that bombing the dams vertically was a complete waste of time, and the only possibility of success lay in placing a mine hard up against the dam wall at its base . You see, water cannot be compressed, meaning that if the mine was pressed against the dam wall at the moment of detonation, part of its energy would automatically be expended on the wall itself. Too far away in the relatively shallow water, and most of the blast energy would be lost to atmosphere, in a huge exploding cloud of water of course. |
Though it was obvious that the dam wall could not be destroyed by a single bomb from a single Lancaster bomber (it would weight far too much for the aircraft to get off the ground), Wallace pinned his hopes on the scientific fact that cumulative stress should do the job, and he was proved right. Though officially three of the bombs, each containing 6,500 pounds of TNT, were considered to be direct hits, one of these veered off slightly, meaning that the giant Mohne Dam was completely breached by a total of 13,000 pounds of tri-nitro toluene. |
It is the incompressibility of water in particular that matters deep down in the Sumatran Trench. At the bottom you already have 10,000 pounds of pressure per square inch pressing down on your weapon of choice, and above that weapon there is a column of water 20,000 feet tall, which is what caused the pressure in the first place. Not only that. The trench narrows at the bottom, meaning that the weapon is 'hemmed-in', with a very real chance of moving a tectonic plate if sufficient tonnage is used. |
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In this particular case there was no real need to shift a tectonic plate, and science suggests that if this blast had caused such an effect, several very powerful aftershocks would have occurred , as has happened with every other major earthquake in the past. But, as previously stated, and setting aside the seemingly deliberate provocative though false warnings from the American NOAA, there has not been a single aftershock which can be directly & scientifically linked to the 'event' in the Sumatran Trench at 0758 hours local on 26 December 2004. Later tremors might or might not be connected to the weapon. |
To force subservience on Asia, and ensure the lion's share of incredibly lucrative reconstruction contracts, all that was needed was a very large tsunami targeted on the selected nations, which was easily within the capabilities of a large thermonuke. There is nothing new about "Sea Bursts" as they are called, and more than 30 years ago plans existed in both America and Russia to wipe out each other's coastal cities using exactly this technique. The tidal wave from a deep sea burst is relatively clean , allowing the aggressor to take over both land and remaining buildings etc. with the minimum of delay. |
If everything had gone to plan, then Indonesia , Sri Lanka and India would have been in hock to the IMF and World Bank for thirty or more years - time enough to wait for the price of oil to come down again after the lethal fiasco in Iraq . At the same time, if the Indian Government had taken the bait, the deadly Russian-Chinese-Indian-Brazilian coalition would have been dead in the water. Not a bad day's work for a single thermonuclear weapon discreetly removed from the decommissioning process. |
There are those who may claim that I have 'left out' the giant ExxonMobil gas fields in Aceh , but that is not the case. Certainly they are very productive sub-surface fields, and will unquestionably produce lots of gas again once the surface equipment has been repaired, but in isolation they are completely incapable of saving the New Zion from collapse. Wall Street needs giant reconstruction contracts, and plenty of them. |
If I remember correctly, shortly before Christmas I received a large number of emails from various people about some "German Guy", who apparently claimed that Wolfowitz had got hold of a critical weapon and was going to nuke Houston on either the 26 or 27 of December. I never did read the whole email, but it seems very likely that it was initially circulated by Wolfowitz or one of his ilk, as a classic disinformation distraction . Try something along the lines of "You suckers all watch Houston very carefully on 26 December, while I nuke Asia behind your backs… " |
Update 6 Jan 2005 Tsunami 'Just Missed' India's Top Fighter Jets & Nuclear Power Station |
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India's nuclear reactor at Chennai in Tamil Nadu State, flanked on either side by state-of-the-art hyper performance Sukhoi SU 30 jets, which should have been vulnerably situated in the Nicobar Islands front-line when the tsunami roared north from the Sumatran Trench. |
India has a major air force base on the Island of Car Nicobar , which guards the front line of Indian airspace in the Bay of Bengal. This base was being upgraded as 'home' to 25 of the IAF's Russian Sukhoi SU 30 jets, every one of which is capable of firing both the Sunburn and Onyx Mach 2.0+ sea skimming anti-ship missiles. |
The Sukhoi squadrons were due to arrive in Car Nicobar on 14 December, but had to be delayed because of construction work, which is extremely ironic. Despite the tidal wave roaring over the island and breaking up the runways, India still has its incredibly valuable SU 30 hyper performance planes, now situated on the mainland fully armed, and within striking range of both US Battle Fleets currently in the Indian Ocean. |
"We will have the fighters operating from the base within six months," a determined Air Chief Marshal S Krishnaswamy said as he assessed the damage caused to the [Car Nicobar] base. "In a year's time we will make the base fully operational. The problem is of transporting each and every construction material by ships and planes again to this place. The material include even the concrete which we have to lay on the runway." |
There could also have been a major catastrophe at Chennai in Tamil Nadu , India's southernmost state and home to its fast breeder nuclear reactor. About another 0.2 on the Richter Scale, and the world (India in Particular) would very likely have been facing a second Chernobyl - yet another catastrophic 'spin-off' from the Sumatran Trench event. Fortunately, as if by fate, the tidal wave damaged only the cooling water inlets, which play no part in the nuclear process. |
As I post this update in the early hours of 6 January, Bloomberg has very kindly just confirmed the transfer of power from Expeditionary Strike Group 5 (humanitarian duties only), to the USS Abraham Lincoln battle group off Aceh . Now not one but both massive assault landing carriers are bound for poor old Indonesia and its 110,000,000 Muslim citizens... |
"The USS Bonhomme Richard and USS Duluth today arrived in Sumatran waters and airlifted more than 200,000 pounds (90,000 kilograms) from two warehouses for distribution to areas unreachable by road, the U.S. embassy in Jakarta said in an e-mailed statement. The ships carry 25 helicopters each and more than doubled the number of U.S. aircraft to carry aid. " |
Update 4 February 2005 Condoleeza Rice's Unbelievably Arrogant "Profitable" Tsunami |
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At a recent Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on her appointment by Bush to the post of Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice declared that the tsunami constituted, |
"a wonderful opportunity to show not just the US government, but the heart of the American people." |
"And I think it has paid great dividends for us," she added. |
The French Government has shown an interest in this unbelievably arrogant gaffe-kejanggalan , with a former director of the French Government " Centre National de la recherche Scientifique " putting to bed any notion that the tsunami was a ' natural event '. The author, physicist Dr Jean Pierre Petit , provides some excellent photographs of American-occupied Diego Garcia , and predicts a very chilling future for America, if a similar 'natural event' should accidentally happen in the Canary Islands . |
original source: http://www.vialls.com/ |