Tsunami Asia Merupakan Bukti Terbesar Kejahatan Perang Dalam Sejarah |
oleh : Joe Vialls |
Tsunami Bagian Kedua |
25 Pebruari 2005 |
While the western media desperately tries to deflects public interest with ever-increasing Richter figures now up to an hysterical 9.3, the BBC, HMS Scott and others inadvertently prove conclusively that the horrific event of 26 December 2004 was the biggest single war crime in recorded history. |
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At 00:58 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time on 26 December 2004, a single sharp primary (compression) wave was created at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench, 155 miles to the south-southwest of Aceh Province in Sumatra, Indonesia. Travelling through directly coupled earth and water at 18,000 miles per hour, this puny wave arrived at the town of Banda Aceh thirty-two seconds later, causing a minor earth tremor lasting exactly 13 seconds, roughly the same duration as the seismic compression wave from a large nuclear weapon detonated underground in Nevada. Note in the right-hand 'after' photograph that everything in central Banda Aceh, situated directly on the giant Sumatran Fault line, is intact. During the long silent 22 minutes that followed, there were no injuries, no damage, and no seismic aftershocks. Then suddenly and without any warning, a giant tidal wave rose from hell, razing everything and everyone in its path. |
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"Death and destruction have been the fate of San Francisco. Shaken by a temblor at 5:13 o'clock yesterday morning, the shock lasting 48 seconds, and scourged by flames that raged diametrically in all directions, the city is a mass of smouldering ruins. At six o'clock last evening the flames seemingly playing with increased vigor, threatened to destroy such sections as their fury had spared during the earlier portion of the day. Building their path in a triangular circuit from the start in the early morning, they jockeyed as the day waned, left the business section, which they had entirely devastated, and skipped in a dozen directions to the residence portions. As night fell they had made their way over into the North Beach section and springing anew to the south they reached out along the shipping section down the bay shore, over the hills and across toward Third and Townsend streets. |
"Warehouses, wholesale houses and manufacturing concerns fell in their path. This completed the destruction of the entire district known as the 'South of Market Street.' How far they are reaching to the south across the channel cannot be told as this part of the city is shut off from San Francisco papers. After darkness, thousands of the homeless were making their way with their blankets and scant provisions to Golden Gate Park and the beach to find shelter. |
"Those in the homes on the hills just north of the Hayes Valley wrecked section piled their belongings in the streets and express wagons and automobiles were hauling the things away to the sparsely settled sections. Everybody in San Francisco is prepared to leave the city, for the belief is firm that San Francisco will be totally destroyed. Downtown everything is ruin. Not a business house stands. Theaters are crumbled into heaps. Factories and commission houses lie smouldering on their former sites." |
So spoke the front page of the San Francisco 'Call Chronicle Examiner' on the morning of April 19,1906, though of course the newspaper had to be printed on still intact presses far away from the city. This was a real earthquake, ladies and gentlemen, a real earthquake. And though it measured a relatively puny 7.9 on the Richter Scale, the savage transverse shear waves generated by the quake whipped through the ground like a monstrous snake, causing severe damage to buildings in Portland, Oregon, more than 530 miles away from its epicenter in San Francisco. Six minutes later there was a severe aftershock, and then another severe aftershock five minutes after that. |
San Francisco was shattered, and awestruck scientists from all over America gathered to gawk helplessly at the geological damage. The ground had broken open for more than 270 miles along the San Andreas rift, a major fault line. The country on the east side of the rift had moved southward relative to the country on the west side of the rift. The greatest movement was about 21 feet, some 30 miles northwest of San Francisco. |
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Were it not for a handful of amateur cameramen in Banda Aceh on Boxing Day 2004, we might easily have been fooled into believing that Sumatra, like San Francisco, had been subjected to a naturally-occurring nightmare earthquake, first peddled by the American NOAA at 8.0 on the Richter Scale. Then of course the NOAA realized that 8.0 was simply not enough to cover this thermonuclear sabotage, and developed a new exciting "flexible" Richter Scale to take care of the public relations problem. |
Onwards and upwards the NOAA went, from 8.5 to 8.9, and then from 9.0 to 9.1. Finally they managed to convert the single Padang seismic compression spike (shown for the first time on the next page) into a whopping great Richter 9.3, sufficient they thought to cover the destruction of the cooling pipes of India's Chennai nuclear reactor in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. The reactor should have been perfectly safe of course, because the Bay of Bengal has never before experienced a tsunami in recorded history. |
Possible motives for this massive war crime were touched on briefly in Part One of this report, with the nuclear reactor at Kalpakkam, 80 kilometers from Chenna, the most likely target. If this particular reactor had cracked open like Chernobyl, the results would have been so catastrophic that the new Russia-China-India-Brazil coalition, a clear and present danger to Wall Street, would have been neutered. It is not hard to imagine the glee on the faces of members of the World Bank and IMF, as India crawled in humbly on its belly asking for a huge loan. |
Although the Kalpakkam facility escaped major damage, it was a very close call, with 30 atomic scientists and technicians killed at the plant's nearby residential complex. And if the thermonuclear weapon placed in the Sumatran Trench had been more powerful, Wall Street might easily have scored a double whammy. A bigger Russian-aided nuclear power complex that uses sea water for cooling is coming up fast at Koodankulam, 900 km south of Chennai and close to Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of the Indian peninsula that was severely devastated by the (unique artificial) tsunami, that in some places reached 35 feet in height. |
Now try to imagine South Asia if both nuclear plants had (1) gone critical or (2) cracked, or (3) a horrific combination of both. All of this nuclear hardware comes from Russia, the same country that (accidentally) brought us Chernobyl, then sold lethal unstoppable 'Sunburn' missiles to China, Iran, Syria and Venezuela, and probably played a major role in the attack on the World Trade Center during 2001. |
The possibilities for Wall Street would have been endless. While India was beating down the door of the IMF frantically begging for a giant loan, Wall Street's faithful servants at the UN and IAEA would be tasked with badmouthing and banning Russian nuclear technology around the world - including Iran and North Korea of course. Thus from a position of bankrupcy brought about by the insane invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, Wall Street would be up and running again, and 'One World Government' would still be within reach. Hurrah! |
Of course, all of these claims are speculative conspiracies at this stage, despite the fact that today the price of oil scratched US$52 per barrel, and the American dollar fell like a stone against the Euro, neither of which would have happened if the tsunami war crime had been successful. Theoretically, all we need do now in order to force the FBI to investigate and execute the perpetrators on Wall Street, is prove scientifically that the tsunami was NOT a natural event, which is what this report is really all about. |
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Single frames extracted from the 'creative' BBC film constructed from amateur Banda Aceh video clips are blurred, but quite good enough to use as proof. This frame was taken "outside the hospital" in Banda Aceh after the tremor, but so what? Note carefully that people are sitting and walking normally, and do not appear alarmed. There is no visible damage to any structure, nor any glass on the street. Readers not familiar with Indonesia should note that sitting at the side of the road is acceptable behavior, which happens every day of the year. |
The biggest danger to the wannabee New World Order' was unquestionably those wretched amateur video tapes from Banda Aceh, which simply could not be explained away by captive media 'experts', because no one was sure how many amateur tapes existed in total. Put another way, if they tried to suppress the video clips, what would happen if an unknown 'flyer' suddenly appeared months later and completely trashed the western world's most eminent 'earthquake experts'? |
Predictably the media did the next best thing and 'blended' the different clips together, in an attempt to create the false illusion of an extended (and thus 'real') earthquake like San Francisco, or other real earthquakes, like the incredibly puny 5.5 quake near Japan's Bonin Islands on September 20, 2003. Puny though this real earthquake was, its magnitude 5.5 transverse shear shock waves were still strong enough to bring down temple walls in Tokyo, more than 540 miles away from the Bonin epicenter. |
In basic terms the BBC editors "mixed 'n matched" different frames from different clips, placed them out of sequence, and also ran two clips from two different cameras filming the same tremor - one after the other. This particular trick made the 'earthquake' appear to last twice as long, i.e. 26 seconds. In the silky words of the smooth BBC narrator, "and the quake rumbles on..." though of course it did not. |
Those readers who choose to play the entire 2.2 minute BBC propaganda piece on the next page, will also notice that shots filmed after the tsunami started to come ashore, have been shifted further forward (towards the beginning) of the film sequence, thereby creating the twin illusions of aftershocks and property damage caused by the 'earthquake', when in reality there were no aftershocks and no property damage until D + 22.1 minutes, at which point in time the orchestrated tsunami wiped them off the face of the earth. |
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Banda Aceh's four-star 'Kuala Tripa Hotel' filmed in the 22.1 minute lull period between the the 13 second tremor and the arrival of the tsunami. The building is completely undamaged, with every pane of glass intact. Some guests jumped out of the windows to see what was going on, because the hotel generators driving the elevators, and the hotel telephone exchange, suddenly became terminally defective when the tremor passed through the town. Readers should note here that the electromagnetic pulse from a large thermonuclear weapon knocks out all electrical appliances and switchboards in microseconds. |
Next up was the problem of making the world believe that two of the world's great tectonic plates had collided and "reared up", thereby displacing the water required to make up the giant tidal wave that raced across the Indian Ocean, bowling over everything that got in its path. Believe me, this was and is an impossible task, because there is no way geologically that they could do so. The only fault line capable of enormous spontaneous upthrust (and therefore water displacement) is known as a "Divergent Faultline", shown on the Rutger's map below in red. Basically this means that the tectonic plates pull apart (diverge) from each other to enable new magna to thrust up through the middle. Fine, heaps of displaced water and really big bouncy tsunamis. The giant Alaskan earthquake caused an equally giant tsunami because of the divergent fault you can see on the map. |
The San Andreas fault falls into a second class called a "Transform Fault", where the two tectonic plates simply grind alongside each other, colored violet on the map. This causes massive property damage from the vibrations (as in the San Francisco Earthquake), but no water displacement. Remember, to generate a tsunami, or even a mere ripple, the water must first be displaced by other matter. This is basic stuff outlined in Archimedes Principle, so no need to delve any deeper here. |
Lastly we come back to the 'fake quake' of 26 December 2004, which allegedly occurred on the third class of fault known as a "Convergent Faultline", colored black on the map, where one tectonic plate slides (converges) very slowly under another, which in this case means the Indo-Australian plate sliding steadily eastwards underneath the Eurasian plate. But as in the case of the Transforn Fault, movement is horizontal, displacing no appreciable quantities of water. |
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Transform (San Francisco) | Divergent (Mid Oceanic) | Convergent (Sumatra) |
We need to get this technical stuff out of the way as quickly as possible, because it has the unfortunate tendency of sending readers to sleep. Boring! Fear not, there is not much more of it, though we cannot let the government and media 'scientists' off the hook without covering the biggest impossibility of all. Once again my thanks to Archimedes, wherever he may be nowadays. |
It is a fact that when a huge event like this happens, all kinds of different people want 'IN' on the action, and not always because they are corrupt bankers trying to lie to the western world. But what most of the 'in crowd' have in common, is the desire to help prove the official line of the day, i.e. that a huge naturally-occurring underground earthquake offshore Sumatra, killed nearly half a million people by generating a whopping great tsunami. |
Such was the case with the British survey ship "HMS Scott", which approached the Sumatran Trench after the disastrous event, loaded down to the gunwales with bearded scientists wearing rubber boots and duffle coats. All very romantic and even slightly polar in flavor, but these men started out on the wrong foot, because they had already swallowed the "earthquake" line. So rather than starting out by investigating whether an earthquake had happened at all, these earnest gentlemen too a fatal leap of faith into the unknown, and started out by investigating how the alleged but unproved quake had happened. |
This got the hearty crew of HMS Scott into trouble immediately, because there was no hard evidence of anything, in an area they freely admitted had never been properly seismically surveyed before. Oops! So from the outset these scientists publicly admitted they were guessing, or more correctly were allowing their seismic instruments to guess for them. |
The best they could manage came from a Dr Wynn, who said: |
"An area the size of a small town fell away from the slope and broke up into bits. Slabs of material travelled about 10km down the slope on to that flat bit of Indian plate and are just lying there. We don't know for definite that was caused by the recent earthquake but it's a very fresh looking feature." |
Fresh, Dr Wynn, fresh? How on earth do you know? The inference surrounding this seminal quote was that the 'small town which fell to the bottom of the trench', was the culprit responsible for the massive tsunami that killed more than a quarter of a million people in Sumatra alone. But poor Dr Wynn had forgotten Archimedes Principle. |
Sadly for the good ship HMS Scott, Archimedes Principle proves that the 'small town' could not possibly be the culprit, because it was already under water when it allegedly broke away and fell to the bottom of the 10,000 p.s.i. trench. This means that the water displaced at the bottom of the trench immediately filled the void space from where the 'small town' had fallen further up, in precise matched volumes. So, terribly sorry Dr Wynn, no additional water displacement for a tsunami, not even a baby tsunami. |
If any reader wishes to prove this independently, it really is quite easy. Bearing in mind the mind-boggling scale of the Sumatra Trench, proceed as follows: take two 4 ounce pebbles and balance one on top of the other, at the bottom of a 2 gallon bucket. Now very slowly fill the bucket with water and mark the full level with an indelible marker. Next, take a very long thin knitting needle (or similar) and gently dislodge the top pebble so that it falls alongside the bottom pebble on the bottom of the bucket. Now note that the water level at the top of your bucket had not changed at all. So, sadly, no tsunami in the kitchen either..... |
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Now we come to the geophysical grand slam, which might one day hopefully be used to help swing Wolfowitz et al from the end of very rough hessian ropes. In the picture above, the Indo-Australian tectonic plate (blue), is slowly sliding under the Eurasion tectonic plate (pale blue) at a rate of about 60 millimeters per year. |
Waxing technical again for a moment, |
"Sumatra is situated at an active continental margin and has been the site of subduction since the Early Mesozoic Age. At present, subduction beneath the margin is strongly oblique, and this motion is partitioned into orthogonal subduction of Indian Oceanic crust at the Sunda (Sumatran) trench and right-lateral strike-slip along the onshore Sumatran Fault System (SFS)." |
What we must remember here is the critical information that the 1900-km-long Sumatran fault belong to a class of trench-parallel strike-slip fault systems that work in concert with subduction zones to accommodate obliquely convergent plate motion. At the subduction zone, where one plate moves beneath the other, the subducted plate is dragged downwards into the earth's mantle until it reaches a depth where high temperatures partially melt the rock. The resulting magma then rises along vertical fissures and reaches the surface through volcanic vents in the onshore fault line. |
Put in terrifyingly simple layman terms, what this all means is that the Sumatran Trench and Sumatran Fault shown in the picture above always work together. If one moves, so does the other, and the Sumatran Fault runs right down the high street in the town of Banda Aceh, which didn't move at all when the "earthquake" tremor disturbed the town on 26 December 2004. |
The harsh reality is that a naturally-occurring earthquake big enough to have generated that enormous tsunami would require a massive jolt below the Eurasian plate (quite probably around 9.3 on the Richter Scale), which would have liquified the rock and automatically hurled white-hot magma out of the chain of dormant volcanoes along the onshore Sumatran Fault. Remember, the trench and fault systems are directly connected, and always work together. |
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This rather blurred frame was shot in Banda Aceh about thirty seconds before the tsunami roared into town, i.e. 22 minutes after the single 13-second tremor. You can see people looking over their shoulders because of the oncoming noise, but it is equally clear (and utterly damning) that people are just walking around normally without any obvious fear. There are no visible injuries, or property or infrastructure damage whatsoever. So you, the global public, have been subjected to the biggest television and newspaper illusion in human history, and for the most part you have believed it. |
For weeks now I have watched the never ending chain of 'important' politicians visiting tsumani ravaged areas on television, and have found myself cynically wondering which ones are there for the photo opportunities, which ones are there grab a sack of free aid cash for their Swiss bank accounts, and more importantly, which ones are there to gloat over their insane nuclear handiwork. |
More than a half of the dead are Muslims, which will no doubt bring a smile to the faces of the perpetrators in New York, because this is a perpetual one-way war against Muslims, Hindus, and even ordinary Christians. I do not represent anybody apart from myself and my immediate family, who all wish to pass on their condolences to the families of the dead half million global citizens, with the sincere hope that one day soon we will be able to track down, and terminate, the war criminals responsible for this terrible outrage. |
NEW 5 April |
The March 2005 Richter 8.7 Earthquake offshore Sumatra |
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Original BBC film and Indonesian Padang Seismograph |
original source: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ |