Dewasa Ini Milyaran Orang Korban Aspartame |
(Billions of People Are Now Aspartame Victims) |
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3-22-2 |
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Oleh: James D. Bowen, MD |
Said my attorney. You just can't talk about "Jewish" issues. Has speech no freedom or truth no liberty anymore? How much evil should be allowed to hide behind the skirts of "anti anti Semitism"? ("Aunty" is the best acronym I could think of) My Jewish prosecutor, openly made opposing Aspartame, a matter of "anti Semitism." If so, we should all best proudly be called "anti semites." Is that what it takes to stand up for science, sanity and human welfare? Is that what it takes to stand for truth and humanity? They also played the "Jewish" card in their cover story about from where Aspartame came; stating that a "Jewish scientist" had accidentally got his fingers in some, and then into his mouth went the fingers. Voila! He discovered Aspartame to be sweet. Impossible, because Aspartame is not sweet, it is bitter and foul flavored. They have to mix other neuro toxins with it, to create a sweet flavor, to even get it into you as a sweetener. They go on their evil way, not even listing those "tastands", as required by law. How could they? Those are not safe for market either. The horribly toxic diketopiperazine of Aspartame is also added to food in spite of its bitterness, and cannot be made sweet tasting in any manner. |
Almost all the good people who are, or have been my collaborators in opposing Aspartame are either Jewish, or like myself, of Jewish descent. Were I born in Germany , I was exterminated. That didn't stop my little Jewish prosecutor, who missed WWII by a couple decades, from going to Dr Ralph Walton, one of my defense witnesses, and telling him that he shouldn't testify on my behalf because I was "anti Semitic". What to make of all this? The facts are the only relevant thing. "Jewish is as Jewish does." Isn't that fair? Enough of the "political correctness", already! Any other cards the Satanists want to play are just window dressing, usually played deceptively to set human beings against each other with name calling and, "let's you and him fight" word games. It is transparent, that Satan, like his loyal follower Rummsfeld, pulled in all his "Jewish cards" on this one. "Benny and Aunty's" skirts have worn far too thin from covering so much evil and satanic malice. You can see right through. |
My life without a medical license has been an ongoing education in the toxicity of Aspartame. I continue to encounter ruthless Satanists at every turn. They seem to think they can undo their mistake, of not leaving me isolated in Ontonagon, by killing me, or going to even more preposterous lengths to discredit me and the others who speak truthfully on Asp. I applied for a vets comp pension in Portland , Oregon . I was VA hospitalized on neurology service, on the false pretense that I had to be hospitalized for an MRI and CAT scan for my pension evaluation due to "VA rules." Then they said that that the psychiatry residents had to make rounds on me too. The Jewish psychiatry residents would come to my room with such open malice that they appeared snakelike in their posturing. Just eager to strike! Wouldn't you know! I had several previous adverse psychiatric exams that stated otherwise, by people far more expert than they, and all backed up by extensive psychometric testing! But that didn't stop them! They invented that I had an "atypical psychosis" "Now. What does that mean?" A lot of people have asked me. It merely means they don't like what I was saying and they were determined to destroy with the most potent psycho political weapon available to them at the moment, shouting. "PSYCHOTIC." Needless to say, I removed myself from their hospital before they could fire more potent weapons. They were exemplary of what Satan does to people who sell themselves by aligning with any of his various orders. They are possessed as surely as they accept even identification as a group. They become little more than psychopathic egomaniacs just like their master, Satan and have nothing but malice to offer as professionals, complete hypocrites, willing, even eager pimps for Satan. Any position they may be in is no longer fitly filled for a decent society. |
The monologue "Psycho Politics" from the Church of Scientology is probably the best monograph available to bring you up to date with the way mass mind control agents, like Aspartame, and the psychology/psychiatric power structures are being used to control political dissident in our country, and also documents its roots in modern times. It has been around as long as Satanism has. In medieval times, scientists were burned at the steak for stating that the world was round, not flat, like the power structure said it was. After all that, I got a letter on official VA stationary stating that the final hearing for a VA pension had been delayed until later. A few days later I got a letter stating I had been denied pension because I had failed to appear! Some of the last names given to Satan, in the bible, are "liar", "murderer", "accuser of the brethren", and "destroyer of the earth." His followers at every level, in every profession are addicts to these activities. Those who join his fraternities and reap his "bait", become possessed of his demons and are no longer capable of the good they otherwise would be. The monkey trap! They can't let go without the help of the Lord they have rejected. I refer to the Creator of the infinite universe, and Redeemer of this finite world, referred to by some as "Allah", and by others as "Jehovah", who, when he chose to show his character to us incarnate, and became through love permanently bonded to us: one with us, was called Christ, the "Messiah", the "Son of God". |
I have tried making an honest living in every conceivable way that I could find, but so far, the Lord Jehovah has allowed the Satanists to keep their threat to see to it that I would never "have anything, be anything or do anything." I have been stuck in Portland , more or less, while trying to get VA comp. I have had opportunity to, in this horribly polluted corner of the world, see CHz disease at work. I tried unsuccessfully to make a living driving transcontinental truck. I have encountered Illuminati satanic influence in every area of our national fabric. Every truck I ever took out ended up being sabotaged, usually in the owner's shop. One example: I was arriving in Vallejo , CA , from Portland , OR . I had ridden my jake brakes through the Siskiyous or I wouldn't have gotten that far, by any means. As I was going downhill into Vallejo , I saw a red light a block ahead of me. I hit my brakes. There were no brakes. That doesn't happen with air brakes, because as long as you have air pressure, the brakes work, and if you don't have lots of air pressure, the spring loaded emergency brakes lock the whole truck down. That was not happening, and both lanes ahead of me were packed with cars that did not know they were about to be turned into canned sardines. |
I was able to miss the car ahead of me only by the Lord's blessing. (It appeared physically impossible), and get into the right turn lane. That would flop the truck over on its' side and sweep the whole intersection with 75 feet and 80,000 pounds of destruction. I had to go right on through the red light, against traffic! "Thank God!" No one was hit. But not a minute to breath easy! Just two blocks ahead of me was the next red light, and all three lanes were packed with cars. No way out! And those people, likewise, were clueless that they were about to be mangled. I had no choice but to take the semi across the median into the oncoming traffic, because they could see me coming, and take evasive action. I did, and they did. I coasted down the hill and rolled into a little truck stop that was conveniently located there. I called my boss and told him what had happened. |
He shouted into the phone "Drive that truck on. There is nothing wrong with those brakes." It took quite a shouting match to convince him that I would drive the truck nowhere until the brakes were fixed. The mechanic arrived and fixed the brakes. The next hill I went over, the brakes were gone again. The mechanic came out and fixed the brakes again. The brakes went out a third time. I helped the mechanics each time they fixed the brakes. Everything we saw was evidence that the whole air brake system had been systematically sabotaged. About nine out of ten things you could have done to sabotage an air brake system, and make it appear normal on routine brake testing, before you took the truck out of the lot, had been done: crossed air lines, cracked and broken components, some not completely bolted on or the bolts left loose, etc. Do you think that the Illuminati , Satanic power structure cared for even a second how many they killed or mangled with their sick fooling around? Not even for a second! Or they would never unleash the nefarious chemical warfare agent, Aspartame on the unsuspecting world. |
In Portland , I found that I would wake up on many a fresh clear spring or winter morning only to find my body stinging all over with sharp electric shock like pains from multiple mono neuropathies, and my CHz generally flared up. I took a nightshift cab driver job to see what had happened to me during the night. I observed that about midnight , or the wee small hours of the morning that the Portland/Vancouver metro area's air often became a chemical "sewer." The nighttime inversions and still air effects dumped all the accumulated pollution from higher levels down upon the unsuspecting, sleeping populace in a dense, chemical pollutant smog. Then, as the rising sun warmed the mountaintops, and air began to stir to the east, the polluted air began to move on eastward and upward, and by the time the sun was well up, the air appeared pristine. |
I found that when the air was clean, my arthritis pains, muscle aches and neurological problems remarkably lessened, and my blood sugar levels were normal. When inversions formed, everything got worse, and my blood sugars could go way high. I contracted Lyme dz from a tick bite. The whole scenario was atypical because of the CHz from Aspartame. I suffered greatly, and was permanently damaged because the VA, my only source of medical care, was ignorant and totally indifferent. It took about a week to, because of my indigent status, and trying to get any care from the VA, (which they diligently refused me), to get treated and that was a week too long to have recurrent Lyme dz and CHz, in concert, ravaging my body. This experience is detailed and correlated in my article on Lyme disease on . A clearer copy is available . |
Pollen and fungal bloom seasons are major traumas, now that my CHz is kept flared by the Portland pollutants. A Greyhound bus ride is a trip in a horror chamber for me because of the chemicals and chronic fungal problems in the buses. Drivers state that about half of them, also are made really ill by the new buses and some are ill, but not so severely. Which fits the other correlations that I have found, to the conclusion that probably 2/3 to æ of our population now have some degree of CHz, due to Aspartame. Times of cool damp weather and oncoming low pressure fronts are also almost always a problem for me because they foster blooms of fungal sporulation and stable inversions. I once returned to Portland after an absence to find that I could not stay in my van for even a minute. It had been colonized by the horribly toxic stachybotyris mold. My ozone and negative ion machine, used overnight, made it healthy and comfortable for me so long as the machine remained on, even though the stachybotyris remained active just a few inches away, under my mattress. |
The things you need to remember if you may be having these kinds of problems are to always listen to your body and to maintain a healthy paranoia and extreme skepticism. I have found that major corporations are willing to sacrifice the public confidence in their brand names, which is worth billions to them, in order to funnel Nutra Sweet into your body. I was told "all bran" cereal now has Aspartame listed on the label. There is no profit motive unless the words "Diet" or "sugar free" etc. are prominently advertised on the container. So what is the motive for putting Asp in everything else? In the summer of '95, I found myself made ill, shortly after I started drinking a regular Fresca. The regular Tab also had Asp. By the summer of ë99 regular coke was withdrawn from market all across the Caribbean , Mediterranean and Europe because they had apparently stuck Sweetener 2000, a more potent variant of Aspartame, into it, with no public notice. |
The same epidemic occurred here in the US with flu symptoms, male sexual dysfunction, and poly myalgia/chronic fatigue symptoms being prominent features. Coke had been the only pop I could drink because it uses cresol as a preservative, as opposed to the others, which use sorbates, sorbitol, and benzoates, which are like "death" to me. When it started giving me all the above, I looked around, and found out what was going on elsewhere around the world, and got off the coke. I improved. I then noticed that the new Milky Way candy bars caused me to relapse. Oops! There went my favorite candy bar! Then Tropicana orange juice got to me. Then Minute Maid orange juice got me. I have to admit that the neuro-excito toxin sweetener on top of the natural sugar flavor in those products sure tasted good, though. In some nations Aspartame, and the like are now being routinely added to sugar itself. I find that off brands of juices, cereals, etc. are far safer for me than major brand names. Cosmetics are real problems. Plz see my other dorway articles like "Punditry and Palsies", "Sperm Warfare", etc. to get the whole picture. Avoidance is the key to living with your CHz condition and staying healthy. As soon as I can get my pension matters resolved I am getting "The hell out of Portland "! |
Repugnancy is an important defense mechanism. No matter what! If some thing doesn't seem, feel, smell, or taste right, obey your body's good sense immediately, and assiduously avoid it. The mere fact that it has once made you feel poorly is evidence enough, that for you it is truly bad. Avoid denial. This is very hard to do. We all want to be "tough and carry on." So, we want to deny that something is bothering us, or that it will make us sick if we ignore it. While writing this article, I was using a felt tip marker that smelled repugnant to me. I should have cast it aside. But I persisted with all sorts of rationalizations until I had the full blown "bonfire" effect going, in spite of the daily doxepin I was taking, and had to take a pulse of dexamethasone get the "bonfire" quenched and get my health and blood sugars back to normal. |
" The bonfire effect" means you may not perceptibly react to a single exposure of the same chemical stimulus when your CHz is quiescent, that you will have a violent, "explosive" reaction to when your Chz is "flared". Just like a wet pitch knot thrown on a bonfire. Sometimes I have to sit in the balcony of church, to avoid people and their cosmetics. I would like to give you a complete as possible list of known causatives but that will have to await another article. Causatives can be quite varied. I use only original Palmolive liquid dish soap for all my personal hygiene etc., because for me, it is the perfect shampoo, lacking any noxious problems for me. You will have to find what works for you. |
Formaldehyde and its congeners can be found in everything from ice cream, to new concrete, to methyl cellulose which gets around: About everywhere! You will encounter "sick air, sick water, sick buildings, sick areas (either from pollutants or positive ionization zones) sick food, and sick medicines. (Yes, they even put Asp into epilepsy medicine. It then gives you seizures instead of preventing them. Figure that!), sick building materials, sick clothing, sick bedding, sick cars."(Most ARE now.): And, on and on.... All with tragic results for you! You need to put a lot of effort into finding what is wholesome for you, and avoiding the rest, or pay the consequences. |
pecific therapeutic measures would be a diet of foods high in antioxidants like cantaloupe, watermelon, kale, collards and other colorful fruits and vegetables. A good intake, but without overdoing it, of trace minerals and vitamins. E.g., Selenium 200mcg/day; more will cause you problems. Vitamin E without preservatives 200 u /day: more can flare your problems. Added vitamin C in excess of 500 mg/day can cause the production of free radicals rather than just quenching them. 200 mg/day is a nice safe zone. You need to get as much from an excellent diet as possible, and then listen very carefully to your body, without preconceived ideas, so you can actually determine what works the best for you. Beware of "nutritional counselors" some don't have any real understanding of what they are doing. I saw one prescribe glutamic acid to patients with MSG sensitivity and it is just the same. Of course the results were awful, and the patient's faith in the "doctor" really clouded the issue. |
Doxepin at a usual dose of 40 to 80 mg per day is the best thing I know of to help you live with CHz. Presently I take 20 in the AM and 60HS. Some people use 200mg/day or more. It won't cure CHz, but can help limit symptoms and complications, so long as you do the other things you need to do, especially avoidance. A pulse of dexamethasone of .5 to 1 mg, used infrequently and only as needed to suppress autoimmune flares, is the best treatment that I know of. Some of the immunologists here in Vancouver are using 4 mg/day of dexamethasone plus about 40 mg/day of prednisone for 60 days to try and "cure" people of their CHz . I have never seen it totally work, but it doesn't do any permanent damage, and it establishes that the therapeutic windows, which I suggest are perfectly safe. Some times I take 1 mg of dexamethasone in a severe circumstance (I weigh 260#), and repeat it in a few hours if symptoms aren't subsiding, and then follow up with 1 mg the next AM. I have never required more than that to stop an autoimmune flare in my own body. |
This article will have done but little good if it hasn't stimulated a desire to know the truth, and the determination to think for yourself. Become a frontiersman! I have mentioned doxepin and dexamethasone as favorable possibilities for CHz management. If you try either, or an herb, etc., you need to very critically assess whether it is really doing any good, and listen to your body carefully to make sure it is doing no harm. My recommendation cannot, at that point, be of any further importance. If your body tells you otherwise listen to it, and to those close to you! Otherwise we may have wasted our time here. Likewise don't uncritically believe what you hear on the news. It will be used as convenient or expedient propaganda to mislead you and defraud you of your rights and everythi ng else. If you consider yourself Jewish and you are eating the chemically poisoned food supply, let that be evidence enough, that whatever benefits you may receive, you are a patsy for Rummsfeld, the Bushes, the Rothschilds, and all the other Illuminati Satanists who really serve only their master, Lucifer, as did their fraternal cousin, Adolph Hitler. |
If you consider yourself a loyal American, remember that those who have done this to you are guilty of "un-American activities" as surely as were those Nazi saboteurs brought here in WWII. These may have come with paperclips instead of submarines, and they may sit in the presidency, and defense dept. Little matter. They are saboteurs of the most heinous nature, and they have not the slightest intention of letting go the reigns of power they have illegally seized from you. The present darkness has created a dearth of knowledge. "Outcome based education" is a propaganda device now deeply instilled in our educational system to insure that our youth not become technically excellent, nor expert, but that they become avid believers, and pundits of the 'propaganda line' as befits the designs of the new world order. We need a "latter rain" of wisdom and values to refresh and "water" the minds of those who will be our future, so they can grow, and produce good fruit and a plenteous harvest thereof! |
Some of the basic biochemistry that I have shared with you has now been deleted from the current biochemistry texts, lest the "scientists" now in training read it and start to 'think for themselves'. Or worse! Become 'serious investigators of fact.' They are to sit at their computers as the machine spews out the party line. And they, made into pundits thereby, are to speak to you as persons of 'expertise,' to spread the present darkness as high priests of the new world order. Their paychecks depend on it, and for most: "Where the money is, there is where the heart is." Now you understand why Christ said: "The love of money is the root of all evil." The politics of Aspartame is a vivid example of how people can be controlled thereby, even though Aspartame itself has been a financial loser for every company who has ever pandered with it. |
I would challenge you to become once more "real Americans" and pray for a rebirth of brotherly love, and religious motivation to respect for the well being of our neighbor, whoever he may be. Our forefathers "prayed but kept their powder dry." Militancy, to let the sick, satanically corrupted government know that they are, about immediately, going to lose the support of their populace if this "chemical warfare upon us" is not suddenly, like NOW, and definitively brought to a screeching halt, is in order. The time for talking is over, the time for remedy or relief is past. Immediate "cure" is essential. President John F. Kennedy would turn over in his grave if he knew this heinous abortifacient had been put on the market by the "nation of Satanists" amongst us, who would now deprive us of life and liberty. He asserted: "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." |
Sincerely, |
James D. Bowen, MD |
If you wish to provide more information, you may be able to contact me at . Please don't contact me just to say you liked the article or that you didn't. I am always behind. I love to help people and have written this article in hope of so doing. I am always eager to exchange good solid information, so, please do contact me if you have some to share. is another possible contact, as . A phone contact would be the Aspartame consumer safety network (214) Permission to publish granted. JB sumber : akhirzaman |