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Mengubah Manusia Dengan Aditiv, Kimia dan Neurotoxin

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

 Mengubah Manusia Dengan Aditiv, Kimia dan Neurotoxin
 (Changing Humanity With Additives, Chemicals And Neurotoxines)
 2004 11 10
Kompilasi oleh: Henrik Palmgren
 These are but a few of the different additives, chemicals and neurotoxines that exists in our food and other products.
 Aspartame = an artificial sweetener produced from aspartic acid. Formula: C14H18N2O5
 MSG = monosodium glutamate = a white crystalline substance, the sodium salt of glutamatic acid, that has little flavour itself but enhances the flavour of proteins either by increasing the amount of saliva produced in the mouth by stimulating the taste buds: used as food additive, esp. in Chinese foods. Formula: NaC5H8O4 Also Called: Sodium Glutamate. Abbrev.: MSG
 Saccharin = a very sweet white crystalline slightly soluble powder used as a nonfattening sweetner. Formula: C7H5NO3S
 Fluoride = 1 any salt of hydrofluoric acid, containing the fluoride ion, F-.
 2 any compound containing fluorine, such as methyl fluoride.
 Source: Collins English Dictionary
 Fluorine = Fluorine is one of 92 naturally occurring elements. It is a member of the halogen family, which includes chlorine, bromine and iodine. It is a pale yellow gas which is extremely reactive. As a result it is never found free in nature but only combined with other elements. These compounds are called fluorides. Fluorine readily forms compounds with all elements except two: helium and neon. Despite being the thirteenth most abundant element in the earth's crust, it is not an essential nutrient for any living thing.
 The level of human milk is 100 times lower than infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated drinking water, e.g. 0.01 ppm vs 1.0 ppm. Apart from its reaction with the calcium hydroxy apatite found in dental enamel, bone, and the pineal gland, fluorine has never been incorporated into the building blocks of living things.
 The most common mineral containing fluorine is fluorspar (CaF2). It has been used for centuries as a flux in the smelting of ores and gave fluorine its name (from the Latin word fluere meaning "to flow"). Other important mineral sources of fluorine are cryolite (Na3AlF6), flurapatite (Ca5 (PO4)3.F) and other phosphate rocks.
 Before World War II, fluorine could only be generated in very small quantities for experimental purposes "and could not be purchased at any price." The breakthrough to large scale production came from the work of the Manhattan Project's efforts to build the Atomic Bomb (Kirk et al). Massive quantities of fluorine were necessary to separate and concentrate the uranium isotopes
 After World War II, huge quantities of fluorine have been used to produce organofluorine compounds (compounds where fluorine is attached to carbon). These include chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs ); Teflon® (polytetrafluoroethylene), an extremely stable plastic resistant to the vast majority of chemicals including fluorine gas; and many pharmaceuticals and pesticides.
 Report: Aspartame is Neurotoxic and Worsens Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  By Pratap Ravindran, Pune, India
 COCA-COLA, PepsiCo and a whole bunch of other big companies are in the dock again, this time around because of their use of the artificial sweetener, aspartame.
 It all started with a Miami longshoreman, Mr. Bartimous Berry, filing a lawsuit in March in a state court in Miami, claiming that Coca-Cola Co, the world's largest manufacturer of soft drinks, is selling a version of Diet Coke at soda fountains which are cheaper and more profitable than the formula used for beverages sold in cans and bottles.
 It was alleged in the suit that Coca-Cola mixes the sweeteners, aspartame and saccharin, in its beverages sold at soda fountains, while canned and bottled Diet Coke contains only the more expensive aspartame.
 Coca-Cola, which says it uses saccharin to stabilize fountain syrup before adding carbonated water, doesn't advertise the difference, according to the suit.
 Mr. Lance Harke, who represents Mr. Berry in the suit which seeks to represent all Florida soda buyers, told the media: "Coca-Cola profits not only because there's a higher profit margin but also there's a stigma associated with saccharin rightly or wrongly."
 It may be recalled in this context that saccharin had formerly been classified as a carcinogen in the US.
 Mr. Dan Schafer, Coca-Cola spokesman, had been quoted by the media as saying that saccharin is used for "product quality reasons" and not for "money reasons."
 According to Mr. Schafer, aspartame loses its sweetness faster in a fountain drink than in a canned or bottled soda. He said, "We think the suits are frivolous and we think they are without merit," adding that the company faces identical allegations in lawsuits filed in Illinois and California.
 Subsequently, in April, other lawsuits were filed in three separate California courts, Shasta, Sonoma and Butte County, against twelve companies which produce or use the artificial sweetener aspartame, originally made and marketed by Monsanto Corporation, as a sugar substitute in their products.
 The defendants in the lawsuits, which identify aspartame as a neurotoxin, include Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Bayer Corp, the Dannon Company, William Wrigley Jr. Company, ConAgra Foods, Wyeth Inc, The NutraSweet Company, and Altria Corp (parent company of Kraft Foods and Philip Morris).
 The plaintiffs have asked for an injunction to stop companies from producing, manufacturing, processing, selling or using aspartame and, in all three cases, have sought a jury trial.
 The suits allege that the food companies committed fraud and breach of warranty by marketing products with the full knowledge that aspartame, the sweetener in them, is neurotoxic.
 According to the plaintiffs, aspartame is a drug masquerading as an additive. It interacts with other drugs and is a chemical hyper-sensitization agent. Aspartame, it has been alleged, causes headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer. In addition, it worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression.
 Experts have been quoted as saying that aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol. The resulting chronic methanol poisoning affects the dopamine system of the brain causing addiction. Methanol, or wood alcohol, constitutes one-third of the aspartame molecule and is classified as a severe metabolic poison and narcotic. Further, the consumption of aspartame can cause sudden death brought about by the damage it inflicts on the cardiac conduction system.
 Herbal variants find their way
 The dangers of aspartame (NutraSweet) ingestion were first publicized in India in the July-December 1995 issue of the Association for Consumers Action on Safety and Health (ACASH) newsletter.
 The ACASH newsletter warning had stated: "All of the breakdown products of aspartame are toxic. It has been shown that Aspartic Acid and Gutamic acids in free forms can cause severe neurological damage. These acids damage the nerve cells in its free forms."
 The warning had been based at least in part on a review of aspartame research which appeared in the Journal of the Diabetic Association of India (Vol. 35, No. 4, 1995). The research review was written by Dr. J. Barua (Ophthalmologist) and Dr. Arun Bal (Surgeon).
 This and other similar warnings notwithstanding, the Union Government permits the use of artificial sweeteners in approximately 25 food items, including sugar confectionery, toffee, lozenges, chewing gum, chocolate products, carbonated water, soft drinks, traditional sweets, jams and jellies.
 According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's draft notification amending the PFA rules, the use of artificial sweeteners can be allowed in food products according to specifications. Manufacturers are, however, required to print a declaration on the package saying, "contains artificial sweetener."
 Today, the country's artificial sweetener industry has an aggregate, annual turnover of Rs 60 crore and is estimated to be growing at 20 per cent a year because it has successfully expanded its clientele from diabetics to all calorie-conscious people. Almost all these artificial sweeteners contain aspartame.
 According to the industry, aspartame has been approved by major food and drug regulatory authorities across the world.
 However, with some medical practitioners in India questioning the merits of its long-term usage among healthy people, some herbal variants which contain neither sugar nor aspartame have been introduced in the domestic market.
 Copyright © 2004, The Hindu Business Line. Online at .
 Article From:
 Read more about Fluoride:
 Read more about Aspartame:
 The man who allowed it: Donald Rumsfeld (Currently defense minister of United States), In June 1977, he became Chief Executive Officer of G. D. Searle & Co., a worldwide pharmaceutical company, where he served until 1985. The turnaround there earned him awards as the Outstanding Chief Executive Officer in the Pharmaceutical Industry in 1980 and 1981.
 Read more about this:
 Aspartame & NutraSweet have Connections to: Monsanto 
 Related: The Connection Between MS And Aspartame 
 Aspartame Lawsuits Multiply
 Aspartame & Vioxx Alert!
Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World
 original source: © Red Ice Productions


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